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Creating Your Action Plan and Online Business Timeline

Creating Your Action Plan And Online Business TimelineHow to create an action plan for your internet marketing business!

An action plan is a way to make sure your goals become reality. It’s easy to set goals. It’s not always so easy to see them through. There are often unexpected variables, surprising challenges, and a lack of time and resources. When you create an action plan you consider all of these variables and resources right up front. You can then create a realistic timeline to achieve the tasks and take the steps that help you accomplish your goals.

Creating Your Action Plan

Your action plan identifies the goal you’re striving to achieve, along with the steps necessary to make it happen. Each step listed also considers when the step will be taken and what the desired deadline is. It also addresses what resources are required to achieve the step, who will take the action and how you’ll communicate with that person. Your action plan isn’t just for the steps you’re focusing on but also the steps you’ve outsourced.

Tools and Technologies You Can Use to Create Your Action Plan and Online Business Timeline

If you’re a pen and paper type of person then go for it. Grab your Franklin Covey planner and a pad of paper. Outline your action plan on paper first and then add it to your planner. Make sure that each task is properly prioritized during your day or week.

If you’re a digital person but you like to keep things simple, you may prefer a spreadsheet in Excel. Spreadsheets offer you the ability to see all of your tasks and deadlines at a glance. You can also enjoy the satisfaction of checking off the tasks. You can see firsthand the progress you’re making.

Specialized applications and software can be used if you are a digital person who loves technology. Mind mapping software such as can be useful to help brainstorm the steps and resources required for each step. You can then transfer this information to your digital or paper planner.

Simple project management software and applications can also be utilized because, let’s face it; your business is a large project. Project management software can be particularly helpful if you’re working with contractors because many software packages allow you to create milestones, communicate with contractors, and upload files within the system.

Organizing it All and Following Through

As you know, simply creating a document in MS Word just isn’t enough. You have to be able to utilize it and follow through. Daily planners and digital scheduling tools are essential. Each step on your action plan needs to be added to your planner. And it’s also important to schedule time each week to sit down and evaluate your progress. Don’t skip this step! Know where you are and where you are going at all times. Stay on track to achieve your internet marketing dreams.

Recommended Resources Mentioned:


To Your Success Online,



Tony Websmith

Internet Marketing Professional, Coach, & Consultant

Websmith Marketing, Inc.

“Teaching you, how to, start a profitable internet marketing business!”


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