Welcome to the Certifications Page!
This is where you can check out all of the certifications that I’ve earned during my online pursuits! I highly value my education, and take every chance I get, to to take a course on internet marketing, affililate marketing, blogging, social media, SEO, copywriting, entrepreneurship, virtual assistant training, video marketing, mobile marketing, or anything else I can think of, as long as it helps me improve my online goals.
Certificate in Intergrated Online Stategies offered at the University of San Francisco Online, is a course I took earlier this year, to help me with my overall general knowledge on Internet Marketing Strategies. It was a very broad overview on the world of Internet Marketing, but it was well worth it! USF Online offers a lot of different courses on Internet Marketing, click here, to see the full list of courses. To view the certificate that I earned from this class, click here.